Saturday, May 2, 2009

Man Stuck in Sewer Pipe

While working in Atlanta for Grady EMS, we were dispatched to a "man stuck in a sewer pipe". We responded from one of the fire stations in the northern part of the city. On arrival we observed several people standing over a sewer grate that was in a parking lot of an apartment complex. As we exited the ambulance someone from the crowd yelled that there was naked man in the sewer beneath the grate.

Now, working in the city of Atlanta you have an opportunity to see anything and everything but generally naked men (or women for that matter) do not run around in the city sewer system. You will, however, find snakes, rats, a variety of dead domesticated animals, and maybe an occasional alligator, but never naked people. Even the homeless of the city tend to shy away from this activity.

My partner and I walked over to the grate and sure enough we see a naked man scamper back into a sewage drainage pipe that is about 36 inches in diameter. We attempted to make contact verbally with the "sewer streaker" but received no response. I did notice the crowd around us was becoming larger and this was most likely going to end up being a community event.

About this time, the Engine crew from the same Atlanta Fire Station we had been at when we received this call arrived on scene. I approached the Lt. as he got off the engine and advised him of our situation. I then asked if they could use some of their "cool" toys and remove the grate from the parking lot so we could attempt to retrieve the wayward naked visitor. Firefighters grabbed a pike pole and a halligan tool from the engine and proceeded to the grate. After about 5 minutes passed, the firefighters had the asphalt removed from around the grate and the grate was removed from over the sewer drainage area so we could make access.

My partner then got down and lied on his stomach and hung upside down into the sewer area and looked back into the drainage pipe. He saw the man approximately 8 to 10 feet away in the pipe. He told the man to come out and received no response. He then became more firm and advised the man to come out NOW because this would be a better outcome than if he had to come in after him. The man then slowly came out of the pipe and into the collecting tank area.

My partner grabbed one arm and I grabbed the other and the naked man was successfully extricated from the city sewer system. I advised the man that he needed to come with us to the hospital for evaluation and he began to follow us to the ambulance (yes he is still naked). I then grabbed a sheet from our ambulance and wrapped it around the man. Prior to doing this, I tried to be a good employee and be able to positively identify my patient and inquire if he had any insurance information, so I asked him if he happened to have any identification on him. He gave me the strangest look that immediately told me that there would be no ID card.

After we had the man in the ambulance and secured to our stretcher, I began my assessment and questioning of the patient. He advised that he had been in the sewer system for 3 days and that during this time he had been visited by aliens and impregnated by one of them. He then stated that he stayed in the sewer system because he was afraid the aliens would return and steal his baby. I found this explanation plausible because I have seen some very strange sights in the city of Atlanta but probably unlikely. He then became quiet and the rest of the ride to the hospital was made in silence.

My assessment of the patient revealed that he suffered from no prior medical problems and took no medications on a daily basis. He did not appear dehydrated so I did wonder (to myself) what he had been eating and drinking for 3 days in the sewer system. I also noted that the patient had multiple suspected rat bites to his entire body (literally from head to toe). There must have been over 100 bites on his body. Other than the alien pregnancy story he was alert and oriented and very aware of his surroundings.

Once we arrived at Grady Hospital, we took him through triage and he was assigned to the blue zone area of the emergency room. After going into the blue zone, the charge nurse told me to put him in the CPR room so he could be isolated from other patients and from any potential aliens that may arrive to steal his unborn child. While I was standing in the hallway outside his room giving the treating nurse report on this call, the patient came out of the room and asked where the restroom was. The nurse told him it was at the end of the hall and to the left and the man walked that way.

After a few short minutes went by the patient appeared at the end of the hallway and took an aggressive stance while staring at us. By the look on his face, he could of very well been under the influence of aliens at this time. He then snorted and took off in a run towards us. I only had a couple of seconds to react, so I took a step forward and planted my left shoulder into the man's chest as the air escaped from his lungs and he was slammed onto the hallway floor with his head making a empty thud type sound on the tile floor. I then got up and the nurse and I dragged the patient by his legs along the floor and into the CPR room while he was attempting to yell and flail his arms. When we got into the room hospital security showed up and we picked the patient up off the floor and "gently" slammed his body down onto the hospital bed and then held him down while he was restrained.

No injuries were noted to myself, the nurse, or any one else in the emergency room. The patients only injuries from this incident was a slightly bruised sternum and a badly bruised ego. He may of had tile burn from being dragged across the floor but I could not confirm this fact.

We later found out from the investigating officer with the Atlanta Police Department that the man had allegedly snatched a purse from a woman in midtown 3 days prior and jumped into an open sewage drain while being chased by some well-meaning bystanders. He then navigated his way approximately 10 miles from where he entered the sewer system to where we extricated him. There was absolutely no evidence found of any alien visitation with the patient and his pregnancy test came back negative. I am not sure of the outcome of his treatment in the emergency room but I am confident it involved some sort of stint in a psychiatric facility for a mental evaluation prior to answering any criminal charges that may have been brought against him.

Just another day in the big city!

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